Further training and advice

for the innovative electronics designer,

the designer of electronic housings

in industry, automotive, agricultural technology, medicine, consumer etc.

Contact Steffen Braun

Mr. Steffen Braun has been working as an electronics designer since 2002. Since then, he has missed a uniform job title and the specific knowledge for it.

He would now like to provide this for you and make your daily development work easier. He is your contact for all questions relating to the mechanical design of mechatronic devices.

This means you can concentrate again on efficient project lead times for excellent mechatronic products.


What mechanical design topics do you need support on? Get in touch and we can discuss how to proceed.

Electronics designer Steffen Braun

⟟ Reilinger Str. +4917629243030 Neulußheim

☎ 0176 29243030

✆ 0176 29243030


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